Connecticut Hunter & Jumper Association Steward and Member Show Report

Please submit this report to the CHJA within 14 days of the date of the show

* Show Name:
* Show Date:
* Show Steward:
* Start Time:
* End Time:

1. Was the show run off promptly?
2. If answered No to #1, pick reason:
3. Were sufficiently knowledgeable personnel provided to carry out all details?
4. Was the show conducted in accordance with CHJA rules?
5. Was a veterinarian on call?
6. Was a veterinarian present throughout the show?
7. Was an ambulance or suitable equipment provided?
8. Was a blacksmith present?
9. Were rings of suitable size?
10. Were rings in good condition and properly constructed?
11. Were Hunter courses in good condition and properly constructed?
12. Were Jumper courses in good condition and properly constructed?
13. Was the footing good? (slippery, hard)
14. Was the secretary office sufficient?
15. Were communications good between announcer, ring master and secretary?
16. Was schooling and warm up area provided and properly supervised to allow use by all breeds, particularly prior to their specific classes?
17. Was good stabling available if applicable?
18. Were there adequate seating facilities?
19. Were parking facilities adequate?
20. Were food and refreshments available?
22. Did the show provide fire protection?
23. Did the show provide watering facilities?
24. Were there adequate toilet facilities?
25. Were rings, grounds, paddocks, and stalls properly lighted?
26. Was Management cooperative with exhibitors?
27. Were CHJA Class Descriptions available for the judges?
28. Were CHJA Class Descriptions and Membership Applications available at the Secretary booth for the exhibitors?
Your capacity:
Your Name
Your Email
(required for Stewards only)